Guest Tom Ridgely, Executive Producer of Shakespeare Festival St. Louis, stops by the station to talk about some of the exciting things that have developed in the past year and what's in store for this year's upcoming Festival!
Guest Stephanie Bliss, Director of the Eugene Field House & Museum, talks about the children's poet, his famous father, and their link to St. Louis.
Guest Carrie Houk, Artistic Director of the Tennessee Williams Festival St. Louis, stops by to discuss this year's festival including some rare opportunities to see works that are seldom staged.
Guests and actresses Jacqueline Thompson and Kari Ely, two recipients of 2019 Visionary Awards, talk about the works they've done in the arts that earned them this recognition.
Guest Mark Sundlov, Director of the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum, stops in to share highlights of the newly renovated museum and talks about the history of the memorial and steps that have been taken to preserve the past to carry it into the future.